Saturday, 19 December 2009

Lifelong Learning


A year ago I would have said I knew myself, and my needs, pretty damn well. It's winter now, which is *thinky* time, not *doey* time; I'd say now that I have learned more about myself in the last year, than in the entire lifetime prior to that. However, it's made me even more aware of how much more I need to learn about my needs, my desires, and why I do things the way I do.

If anyone say anything about the wisdom of knowing that you know nothing, I *will* hit them.

I've got PMT, I'm sexually frustrated, pain frustrated, and no appealing play partners available to hand. Grr. Also, husband (R) is getting the full force of my techniness today, the poor boy. In the last two days, he has:

1) Wound me up by making my tea the wrong way. This is not just a failure to use the right cups (One tall, white, with picture of Tatty Teddy eating biscuits on it, one short, wide, with 'Good Girl Gone Bad' written on it), or to make it how I like it (2 sweeteners, strong, not too much milk...and two cups at the same time, one with a inch of cold water in, so that I can drink it straight away and not wait, and the second as a chaser). Worse that that - he came in the room carrying the porridge, and mumbled at me..I asked him to repeat himself, and he....SPAT MY COLD WATER FROM HIS MOUTH, INTO MY CUP! And then asked me why I was looking horrified. Okay, using his mouth as a handy carrying receptacle, is at least...inventive...but...!

2) So we're in Maplins, and I'm looking for new headphones, batteries, and a replacement mouse. I go looking for the mouse, and he's getting underfoot. So I say - can you find where the headphones are? He wanders off....five minutes later I've selected my mouse, and I find him staring aimlessly out the window. 'Did you find the headphones section?', I ask him. 'Oh, was I supposed to? I didn't know...I was just concentrating on doing my boot laces up'. ARGH!

3) I remind him to log in to Sainsburys and add any shopping that he wants for christmas. I've already set up the order and had the 'like gold-dust' delivery slot booked for weeks. He finishes off, and a couple of hours later I check my emails...which include one from sainsburys saying 'you have cancelled your order'. 'Did you check out properly?' I ask him. 'Well I thought I did', he replies. 'Did you actually click on the checkout button and get confirmation?' I ask. 'Err....what checkout button?'

Head. Desk.

Poly Man in Buried Under the Patio Shocker. News at 11.

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